High Desert Homesteading

"From Middle-Class, Big City Dwellers to Late Middle Age, Off-Grid Homesteaders"

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    A Double Rainbow After a Rare Rain Storm

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    Growing Taters Above Ground (version 1.0)

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    A Few of Our Resident Ravens Who Nest in the Cliffs

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    Repurposing a Satellite Dish Mount into a Solar Panel Mount

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    A Few of the Girls....

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    Milk Jugs of Water = Thermal Mass for Cold Nights

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    18' x 40' Passive Solar Greenhouse

No Longer Active

Please note, due to aging related issues, we have sold the homestead and will not be adding new content to this site.  However, since many people have found the site useful, we will keep it live for the foreseeable future.

We are located above 7500 feet somewhere in the high desert of the Rocky Mountains. We left our comfortable, convenient big-city life in an attempt to create a Sanctuary from the self-destructive Matrix/Empire of modern civilization. Facing the inevitable economic, environmental, geopolitical and societal decay of industrial society, we made a conscious choice to alter our lifestyle to live in a much simpler and self-sufficient manner. This includes living off-the-grid, *hostile gardening, renewable energy heating systems, solar power and much more.

We don't always have time to make Blog or Projects postings right away.  Between photo editing, content and such - well, it is sometimes hard to fit in during busy seasons.  However, below is a scrolling news feed of current events.  You can mouse over the news to pause the scrolling.

The Blog is for posts about a little bit of everything (gardening, terrain, wildlife, small projects). You may also post questions or comments under each Blog posting.

The Projects tab contains more details and/or Do-it-yourself instructions on some of the projects on which we have worked/completed.

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BTW, this site is a responsive design meaning it will restructure it's layout to fit whatever size screen you are on so you can visit from any device.


*Hostile Gardening is a term we coined to describe a combination of organic gardening in a high-altitude (thinner air and shorter growing seasons with dramatic temperature variations), high desert, high winds, poor soil (dead sand) environment - with garden pests that range from chipmonks and rabbits to deer and bear.