High Desert Homesteading

"From Middle-Class, Big City Dwellers to Late Middle Age, Off-Grid Homesteaders"

High Desert Homesteading > DIY Projects

Converting a Refrigerator Into a Root Cellar

— Nov 5, 2015

Converting a non-working refrigerator into a fully-functional free-standing root cellar. [Read Complete Post]

Passive Solar 4 Season Greenhouse

— Nov 3, 2014

Building an 18' x 40' passive solar 4 season greenhouse (this post is updated often). [Read Complete Post]

Building (and Growing in) Potato Cages

— Jul 29, 2014

Step-by-Step Instructions: Two years ago we discovered Potato Bags and had a good harvest. This year we decided to up the ante and build some Potato Cages. Same concept except… [Read Complete Post]

Home Roasting Green Coffee Beans

— Jul 2, 2014

You've never had a really "Fresh" cup of coffee until you've roasted your own beans. It's quick, easy and can save you money. [Read Complete Post]

Water Trough Gardening

— Jun 11, 2014

Step-by-Step Instructions: Using water troughs for container gardening including the use of PVC hoops. [Read Complete Post]


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On the projects list:  Small sanctuary for meditation, contemplation and serious alone time | Tiny House for guests or interns.


Most of the projects on this site are not original - we became aware of them from other sources.

However, we use a lot of tweaks, hacks, modifications and experimentation to fit the projects to our needs, to use materials on hand, to save time and money.

Presented here are the methods that worked best for us but by no means are considered "authoritative."

Any links we provide to supplies, parts, tools or whatever are for your convenience. We are not affiliated nor receive any compensation for any outside companies.